
The Manor Association

The Manor Association provides the Pacific Point Homeowners’ Association’s administrative functions. If you have an immediate need from the association, you may contact:

Jolie Ho, Associate Community Manager

650 637-1616 x376

Jolie is available during business hours to take maintenance calls. To expedite scheduling with the proper vendors, please refer maintenance requests to Jolie.

Mark Borson, Managing Agent

650 637-1616 x460

Mark can respond to questions regarding the HOA policies and procedures. As a Managing Agent, a portion of his time is spent in the field. If you have a maintenance issue, please contact Kim first to start the scheduling process.

Ruby Lee, Bookkeeper

650 637-1616 x394

Ruby is available during business hours for assessment and billing related questions. Ruby can update contact telephones for residents and emergency contacts, which helps Manor to reach you quickly in emergencies.

Manor Association Emergency Line

Please do not call the Manor Association Emergency line during the business day. There is a charge to the association for all calls to the emergency line no matter what day or time. The cost of calls to the Manor Emergency line during the business day will be charged back to the calling party.

The Manor Association fields calls Monday through Friday (except holidays) from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 650-637-1616 at no charge.